Wonderful Stays is in our DNA

Wonderful Stays is in our DNA

Wonderful Stays is in our DNA

Unique accommodations that stand out

Our passion is the discovery of exceptional accommodations that stand out from the crowd and create unforgettable experiences. We have made it our mission to find unique treasures that will also inspire you.

The special feature makes the big difference

The idea of Costa Lux arose from our many years of travel experience and our passion to find the unique and beautiful. We have found that even in the midst of a wealth of beautiful accommodations, only a few are really special. We also don't always have to travel to distant countries to experience extraordinary experiences.

Our mission:

"At Costa Lux, we believe in accommodation that touches the heart and inspires the soul."

Kayla Ray


Our selection process

It is particularly important for us as well as for you.

Discover nearby treasures

Our priority selection of hotels, chalets and apartments focuses on destinations in our home or vicinity of Andalucia. Because we show that extraordinary accommodation does not always have to be located in distant countries

Careful selection and quality inspection

We leave nothing to chance and dedicate ourselves to a careful examination of each individual accommodation. Quality and uniqueness are our priority. Our experts evaluate each hotel, chalet and apartment in detail to ensure that they meet our high standards.

A look for special features

When selecting our accommodations, it is important to us to highlight the special features. Unique details and special qualities are particularly important to us, including e.g. regionality or sustainability.

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